Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Book Review: Rebound by Nicole Dykes

As always a disclaimer to say that I have been sent Rebound in exchange for an honest review. The following book review is in no way a biased one- but rather my own thoughts and feelings on the book regardless of receiving the book for free. Although, I attempt to steer clear of spoilers, some overarching themes I have explored may delve into spoiler town. Please read with caution if you are not wanting spoilers.

Published: 2015 by Nicole Dykes Page Length: 168 pages Series: Book #3 Soulmates Series

I love Ryan and I was looking forward to hearing his story, but I was a little skeptical going in as I usually prefer books written in the POV of a female, as I have found them more relate-able in the past. I was also a little curious about how this book would be as I knew it could not possibly involve a similar story to the other two Soulmates books (as they were essentially different POV's of the same story), and this somehow had me a little worried, as I was in love with the other books, but I was still excited, as I would be hearing a completely different story.

I have to say this book did not disappoint! In the reading of the other books I felt an excitement at the love story, and I thought this element may be missing a little from this book. However, Ryan and his charm, and kindness (I believe he is added to my ever growing list of book boyfriends), explored the notion of love throughout the book, whether it be the loss of a love, the love of a parent, the fear of new love, and the joy of love. I found my desire of a romantic read was met, and portrayed in a realistic way (love is not always kind or easy).

I also found Ryan to be a more relate-able character to me than the other characters in the series, as I found he was more mature, and on my wave length. I liked how the author recognized the age difference between the characters, and altered her writing style accordingly. This is not to say I did not relate to the other characters, as I certainly did, but I think this book felt more mature throughout, rather than seeing moments of maturity and then moments of childishness (because of the ages the other characters were at the start of the book). This is not a flaw, but rather a gift the author has to bring her characters to life in the age that they are, but rather something I enjoy with a book, is a certain level of maturity, because lets face it I am not exactly a teenager (in fact has anyone noticed that they refer to the 90's as some sort of historical decade? It was only yesterday people lol!!).

I really also enjoyed the exploration of a friend with benefits (FWB). I think this is often how people find partners these days, and I appreciate the authors acknowledgement of this. I often think love is explored in a more fairy tale fashion in books (which do not get me wrong I do enjoy), but it was a breath of fresh air to explore something that is becoming more common, and therefore, more relate-able to me (as I have certainly not had fairytale love in my life.... Prince Charming please stand up!).

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this book and give it 5/5 stars. Woop Woop to the author :)
Love Mis(sy)Understood x

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